Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gould's Book Arcade

Hey everyone

Gould's book arcade is probably one of my favourite bookstores ever. Why? You might ask, well I'll try and describe it and then you can take a guess at why I enjoy the shop so much. Just imagine an bookstore that is double story with every bit of space in the shop covered in shelves (of course leaving room for a path) of second hand books. The kids aisle has so many books, that in the middle on the aisle, the is a big pile of books left on the floor, so you can swim in a sea of books (well I would like to believe that the pile of books on the floor is there to swim in, or else I've probably looked like an idiot with my friend lieing on the floor, pulling out books here and there).

Because the bookstore is very close to the Sydney University campus, the bookstore also offers a wide range of books appropriate for University students. Gould's Book Arcade has generally, every book in the world that is second hand, so you have lots of chose (not really, but it feels like it).

Gould's Book Arcade

The best thing though, is the pricing. I would usually purchase a short paperback novel from the kids section, costing me only about $5.00 to $8.00! So the rest of the store I would assume its resaonbly well priced (I wouldn't actually know the prices of the other adult books, beacuse I spend my time hiding in the aisles from my friend, not actually checking prices of the adults books, it is a suprisingly good place to try and hide from someone and have them try find you)

The address for Gould's Book Arcade is 32 King St, Newtown, 2042, Sydney, Australia and the wesite adress is I recomned Gould's Book Arcade to anybody.

Edda Rose

Best Bookstores in the world

Hey everyone

Ceiling of Selexyz Dominicanen bookstore

Look at the link attached and see these bookstores around the world.

Wow! That was the first word in my mind. Those are some awesome bookstores, I just really want to go there now!

I particularly liked the first one, Selexyz Dominicanen in Holland. The ceiling is just beautiful, those arches and paintings on them are absolutely stunning. And just look at those books! There are so many of them.

 Just imagine, sitting there, in the coffee shop surrounded by hundreds of books, you'd always have something to look at! These are definitely on my travel list of places to go to.

I hope you guys enjoy looking at these pictures as much as I did.

Edda Rose

Friday, January 14, 2011

Skulduggery Pleasant

Hey everyone

Skulduggery Pleasant & Valkyrie Cain
( book cover for the 3rd book 'the faceless ones')

I myself, am a very big Skulduggery Pleasant fan and have fallen into a mindset of completely worshipping the series. For all the other fans out there, you are probably wondering (or dieing) to know when the 6th Skulduggery Pleasant book will come out. Well, I'm sorry to say that I honestly don't know. But I can assume that it will probably come on in either April (I'm hoping, sooner rather than later, right?) or September 2011. I think this because all of Derek Landy's (the author of the series) Skulduggery Pleasant books have come out in those months previously and he might just stick to a pattern.

One thing I would recommed is to check out the website and look on the tab 'games and downloads' on the top of the page on the right, because Derek Landy does put out a list of times and dates he does public signings for the books. He has the times up for the most current book 'Mortal Coil' on a pdf file (which is from last year, meaning the public signings for that book have already happened). When the next book comes out, you can check when he does the public signings and possibly go to one!

 Edda Rose

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone

Happy New Year!

These are the fireworks at the Sydeny Harbour Bridge! They are absolutely amazing. I hope everyone else had great celebrations.

Edda Rose